Height and Weight Calculator

Select Units:

Height in feet and inch

Height in meter and cm

Height and weight calculator results

Healthy Weight (pounds) lb
Healthy Weight (kgs) kg

How to use a height weight calculator?

To use the height weight calculator, you will need first to select the type of measurement unit. For example, select the USA imperial unit for the feet inch and the SI unit for the meter centimeter.
After selecting the type of unit you want to use, you will need to choose the height values, whether in feet-inch or meter centimeters. After you have chosen it, you will need to click the "calculate" button.
The calculator will then provide you with the results of your ideal healthy weight according to the given height using BMI.

What is your ideal weight for your height?

In the United States, the average height for men is 5 feet 9 inches, and for women is 5 feet 4 inches. The average weight for men is 199 pounds, and for women is 163 pounds. The average BMI for men is 26.6, and for women is 26.5, which falls into the overweight category.

Height (ft-inch) Weight (lb) Weight (kg)
4' 0" 61 - 82 27 - 37
4' 1" 63 - 85 29 - 39
4' 2" 66 - 89 30 - 40
4' 3" 68 - 92 31 - 42
4' 4" 71 - 96 32 - 43
4' 5" 74 - 100 34 - 45
4' 6" 77 - 103 35 - 47
4' 7" 80 - 107 36 - 49
4' 8" 83 - 111 37 - 50
4' 9" 86 - 115 39 - 52
4' 10" 89 - 119 40 - 54
4' 11" 92 - 123 42 - 56

Height (ft-inch) Weight (lb) Weight (kg)
5' 0" 95 - 128 43 - 58
5' 1" 98 - 132 44 - 60
5' 2" 101 - 136 46 - 62
5' 3" 104 - 141 47 - 64
5' 4" 108 - 145 49 - 66
5' 5" 111 - 150 50 - 68
5' 6" 115 - 154 52 - 70
5' 7" 118 - 159 54 - 72
5' 8" 122 - 164 55 - 74
5' 9" 125 - 169 57 - 76
5' 10" 129 - 174 58 - 79
5' 11" 133 - 179 60 - 81

Height (ft-inch) Weight (lb) Weight (kg)
6' 0" 136 - 184 62 - 83
6' 1" 140 - 189 64 - 86
6' 2" 144 - 194 65 - 88
6' 3" 148 - 199 67 - 90
6' 4" 152 - 205 69 - 93
6' 5" 156 - 210 71 - 95
6' 6" 160 - 216 73 - 98
6' 7" 164 - 221 74 - 100
6' 8" 168 - 227 76 - 103
6' 9" 173 - 232 78 - 105
6' 10" 177 - 238 80 - 108
6' 11" 181 - 244 82 - 111

How does height affect weight in men and women?

Height can affect weight in both men and women, as taller individuals generally require more energy to maintain their body weight due to their larger body size. Additionally, body weight can vary based on factors such as muscle mass and body composition, which can be influenced by height. For example, taller individuals may have a higher muscle mass, which can increase their weight but may also have a lower body fat percentage, which can decrease their weight.

What is the average weight for a man and woman of a specific height?

The average weight for a man and woman of a specific height can vary depending on factors such as age, ethnicity, and body composition. However, there are general weight ranges based on height and gender that can provide a rough estimate of a healthy weight. For example, a man who is 6 feet tall (72 inches) should ideally weigh between 136-184 pounds, while a woman who is 5'5" (65 inches) should ideally weigh between 111-150 pounds.

What is the Body Mass Index (BMI) range for a healthy weight based on height for men and women?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. It is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. The BMI range for a healthy weight is generally between 18.5 and 24.9. For example, a man who is 6 feet tall and weighs 185 pounds has a BMI of 25.1, which is considered overweight, while a woman who is 5'5" and weighs 140 pounds has a BMI of 23.3, which falls within the healthy range.

What are the potential health risks associated with being overweight or underweight based on height?

Being overweight or underweight based on height can increase the risk of various health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. For example, individuals who are overweight may have higher levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. On the other hand, underweight individuals may have a weakened immune system and be at higher risk of infections and malnutrition.

How do ethnicity and genetics affect the height and weight ratio?

Ethnicity and genetics can play a role in determining a person's height and weight ratio. For example, studies have shown that individuals of Asian descent tend to have lower BMI values than individuals of European descent, even when controlling for factors such as age and gender. Additionally, genetics can influence factors such as body composition and metabolism, which can affect weight.

What is the correlation between height and weight for professional athletes in different sports?

The correlation between height and weight can vary depending on the sport and the position played by the athlete. For example, basketball players tend to be taller and heavier than athletes in other sports, while jockeys in horse racing tend to be shorter and lighter. Additionally, different positions may require different body types and weights within a given sport. For example, a defensive lineman in football may need to be heavier and stronger than a wide receiver.

How has the average height and weight of men and women changed in the United States?

Over the past century, the average height and weight of men and women in the United States have increased. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average height of men in the US increased from 5'7" to approximately 5'9" in recent years. Similarly, the average height of women increased from 5'3" to 5'4" during the same period. The average weight has also increased, with obesity rates rising significantly in recent decades.

What are some effective strategies for managing weight based on height, such as exercise and diet?

Effective strategies for managing weight based on height can include a combination of regular physical activity and a balanced diet. For example, strength training and cardio exercises can help increase muscle mass and burn calories, while a diet rich in whole foods and low in processed foods can help promote weight loss and overall health. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise or diet regimen.

How do cultural and societal factors influence attitudes toward weight and body image in the United States?

Cultural and societal factors can significantly shape attitudes toward weight and body image in the United States. For example, media representations of ideal body types can create unrealistic expectations and lead to negative body image and eating disorders. Additionally, cultural norms and values around food and physical activity can influence weight-related behaviors and attitudes. Promoting a diverse range of body types and healthy habits regardless of body size is important.
